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Public Servants and the Post Office Matter, Holland, MI

WHERE: Downtown Holland on River Avenue in front of City Hall

Public Servants and the Post Office Matter - Rally this Saturday, March 1 at noon

Support the Federal Public Servants under siege by Trump and Musk who are losing jobs by the thousands! 10,000 were fired, 75,000 bought out, 220,000 have less than a year's experience in their current jobs and may be fired soon. Within two years (if we survive) estimates are that 400,000 government workers will lose their livelihoods. For what reason? Not for fraud and waste! For control, power and greed! Trump and Musk want loyalist puppets! They want to extend the $4 Trillion in tax cuts for the Super Rich!

Stop the Blood Money they may offer! These workers are GOOD HUMAN Beings! One Job cut is one job cut too many!

Support the Post Office and maintaining its Ownership by the Public! Privatization would mean manipulation of ELECTION BALLOTS and weak service and high prices! Americans love their Post Office. So—-fight for it!

Hope to see you there with Signs, Chants, Noise Makers and Friends of Democracy!

Jo Bird thanks you for caring about your Rights and the Rights of others.

March 4

Welcome Meeting